Referd - Launch Your Mobile Referral Program in Minutes | Product Hunt

Instant Mobile Referrals - Instant Exponential Growth.

Unlimited rewards for your customers with the easiest mobile referral program in the world. Plus,  it’s 100% free.

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Experience the key benefits

Why you can't miss out on Referd

Easy To Integrate

Launch your referral programs within minutes.

Higher Customer Acquisition

Expand effortlessly through your existing customer base.

Rewards Marketplace

An all-inclusive marketplace with rewards your customers will love.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Grow your revenue with zero cost.

100% Customizable

Tailor your referral program to fit your brand.

Seamless Referral Management

Create and manage referral campaigns effortlessly.

Instant Mobile Referrals - Instant Exponential Growth.

Unlimited rewards for your customers with the easiest mobile referral program in the world. Plus,  it’s 100% free.


Ridiculously Easy To Integrate

With lightweight SDKs and a complete plug and play process, you’ll have a referral program built in minutes.

An Unbeatable Rewards Marketplace

One marketplace with every possible reward your customers could ever need - and will absolutely love.

Customer stories

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pretium nunc non ante tempus, et aliquam neque vulputate
100% Free

A ready made mobile referral program integrated in minutes, and with zero cost. No catch involved

$30 Free Credit on Sign Up

$30 credit in your wallet to spend on rewards your customers will love - valid for first 100 sign-ups.

Join Our Community

A platform for networking, knowledge-sharing, and staying updated with the latest trends and strategies in customer loyalty and engagement.


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Is it really 100% free?

Yes, the technology is 100% free when you upload your own vouchers. If you want a redemption voucher from our network of partners, we charge a 10% management fee.

How does the reward system work?

You can reward their customers with either custom coupons from your brand or you can choose from our marketplace of vouchers. These rewards can be customized and set to trigger based on various actions from the referred friend.

Can I reward my users with my own coupon-generated system?

Absolutely! Simply create a reward, and upload a CSV with your coupon codes. If you have a universal code, repeat it in the CSV for the desired quantity; no validation is applied.

What’s the wallet used for?

The wallet is used for purchasing vouchers from the marketplace, you can top up your wallet with any amount of money you’d like. Each top-up incurs a 10% management fee, and non-USD transactions will undergo currency conversion.

Can I avail multiple redemption options for my customers?

Currently, you can offer only one redemption option at a time, but we’re working on developing multiple redemption options in our next release.

Can I customize my Referd interface to match my brand?

Yes! Referd is 100% customizable to match your brand, so you (and your users) won’t feel like there’s anything different.

Does Referd integrate with 3rd party apps?

Not at the moment, but we have numerous integrations on our upcoming roadmap, including HubSpot, Segment, mParticle, AppsFlyer, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Zapier, Adjust, Omnisend, and ActiveCampaign.

Will my data be private and safe?

We take data security seriously and implement robust measures to protect your information. Our systems are designed to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data, following industry-standard security protocols and best practices and GDPR compliance.

How does Referd prevent fraud?

Our fraud prevention system flags potential fraud by detecting similarities in email and mobile numbers between users and their friends. Upcoming features will also monitor similar IP addresses and recognize member session cookies in the referral's browser.